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The Life You Could Save
Armed with degrees from both Harvard and Yale, Kentaro Toyama has spent the better part of his adult life trying to come up with technological solutions to help quell social problems that continue to befall some of the world's poorest societies. But in his quest, Toyama ultimately discovered that it's people and not technology, that is the real driver of social change.... posted on Jul 28 2015, 11,503 reads


4 Practices For Deepening Gratefulness
"Over the past two decades, much of the research on happiness can be boiled down to one main prescription: give thanks. Across hundreds of studies, practicing gratitude has been found to increase positive emotions, reduce the risk of depression, heighten relationship satisfaction, and increase resilience in the face of stressful life events, among other benefits. The problem is, gratitude doesn't... posted on Jul 27 2015, 49,413 reads


Just One Thing: Forgive Yourself
Why is it so difficult to forgive ourselves? One small, innocuous 'mistake' and our minds are instantly spinning. At times, it seems an endless battle between our inner critic and our inner protector -- with cynicism and regret often winning. But, what if we could turn it all around? In this article, author Rick Hanson explores practical techniques for 'hushing' our inner critic.... posted on Jul 26 2015, 22,513 reads


Everyone Has A Story The World Needs To Hear
Dave Isay opened the first StoryCorps booth in New Yorks Grand Central Terminal in 2003 with the intention of creating a quiet place where a person could honor someone who mattered to them by listening to their story. Since then, StoryCorps has evolved into the single largest collection of human voices ever recorded. Isay is the 2015 TED Prize winner, with an award of $1 million to fulfill a wish:... posted on Jul 25 2015, 3,911 reads


Music And The Developing Brain
Can music make you smarter? Research demonstrates it most certainly can. In fact, a 1993 study of college students showed them performing better on spatial reasoning tests after listening to a Mozart sonata. But, what is the connection? And, more importantly -- why would acquiring musical skills influence language and other higher brain functions? Read this fascinating article to learn why. ... posted on Jul 24 2015, 12,650 reads


Saying Farewell To A Family Pet
There are many in life who walk beside us. Be they human or animal, we are touched by those beings who accompany us through the unfolding mystery of space and time. And even knowing that the spiral of life moves ever onward, from birth to death and round again, how, when the time comes, do we say goodbye to those we love? Shannon Hayes shares the story of Spriggan, and of holding sadness, joy, and... posted on Jul 23 2015, 20,528 reads


Eulogy Vs Resume Virtues
Do you want to be remembered for the bullet points on your resume, or for the way you interacted with others on a daily basis? In a culture that often greatly favors the former, how do we cultivate the intangible values that form the cornerstones of a higher self? New York Times columnist David Brooks wrestles with these complex questions, and poses further inquiries to help guide our thinking and... posted on Jul 22 2015, 33,034 reads


Stop Worrying About How Much You Matter
There are some who will exude happiness well into their nineties. And, others who willl fall into the predicament of feeling life has lost its purpose. But, what makes the difference? And, more importantly -- how do we maintain our inner sense of relevance through every circumstance? The answer could be much simpler than you might realize. Read on to discover simple practices to infuse a little mo... posted on Jul 21 2015, 48,330 reads


Martin Luther King on the 6 Pillars of Non-Violent Resistance
Non-violence is a term one often hears next to names like Martin Luther King and Gandhi. It may bring to mind boycotts and "passive"forms of resistance -- but when one digs deeper into the writings of Martin Luther King, we find so much more underlies the spirit and loving force of non-violence. Maria Popova of Brainpickings walks through six tenets of non-violent resistance, as outlined by Martin... posted on Jul 20 2015, 22,266 reads


Uncommon Gratitude
"When I consider the places I've loved and lost, I long to bring them comfort...I who have been gifted by a place wish to figure out some way to return the gesture. But what kind of gift would be right for a scraped hillside slated for fracking? For calves confined to life in crates? For all the polluted rivers, clearcut forests, diminishing wildernesses, and smoldering dumps?"... posted on Jul 19 2015, 7,327 reads


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The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery.
Mark Van Doren

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